About this Location
Built in 1917, the Parkwood Estate was the former home of the founder of GM of Canada, Samuel McLaughlin. The McLaughlin family moved out in ‘72 and the estate became a history site in ‘89 and is now a museum.
Location submitted by:
Claudiu Nicula
270 Simcoe St N, Oshawa, ON L1G 4T5, Canada
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Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula

Submitted by Claudiu Nicula
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